
Wanted: Your Opinion

First of All, progress is being made in the pursuit of Recording.  These are pics of our new sound walls that are currently about 97% complete.  Because the band does not have an ideal space for recording our drum tracks, we decided to build these "portable" walls.  With these we can now accommodate for better sound control in less desirable spaces.
Altered Worship Band is very excited about a new potential member!
After having only one practice in under his guitar strap, the new guy stepped up to the stage to help the band out on Friday, April 3rd.  After several schedule changes at S.I.C.S.C in Frankfort, the band was down to only two members available for the night.  FYI, the new guy rocked!  AWB would like to give props to Jesse for the spontaneous awesomeness displayed at the high school retreat.  More detailed information about our new member will be shared in future posts.
In upcoming news, AWB will be playing at the First Christian Church in Royalton on Friday, April 19th.  We look forward returning to Royalton to lead worship this Sunday night. Also, on the schedule is worship for Sunday morning in Sesser, IL on the 26th.  AWB is quite pleased to have a full schedule for this month.  Thank you to everyone involved with filling our calendar for April.
Altered would like your input.
We are considering making new shirts.  We do still have a few of our Altered baseball tees (as seen, above left), but have made a trial of our new design.  After making this trial design, several people expressed interest in obtaining one.  Since this new tee was hand made, AWB would like to know if there is interest in more "band made" shirts.  Soo... whatcha' think?  We are a creative bunch and are looking into fresh patterns and ways to slap Altered on new stuff.  If you or your friends would like to have uniquely hand-bleached and/or screened wearables like this
let us know.
Don't forget to go over to our webpage www.alteredworshipband.com for more information. 

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