
Welcome to our Party

We'd like to formally welcome you to our little corner of the net.  While this whole experience is getting up and running, we're still learning a lot about blogging and how regularly this whole thing will happen.  

In upcoming news, we are taking over the worship at our home church of First Christian, West Frankfort, IL on March 15th at the 9:30 Fusion Service.  We're all looking forward to leading worship "Altered Style"   We'll also be playing in Royalton at the First Christian Church coming up in April, we'll have more details as soon as they are finalized.  Watch this blog for more information.

We've got some plans up our sleeve, but you'll have to wait to check those out, until now, you can bask in the hilarity of some of our escapades.  Here are a few photos from our ever famous, Altered Worship Band Sleepover last October.

Don't forget to go over to our webpage www.alteredworshipband.com for more information.